Kids Dental Treatment

Why Is Kids Dentistry Important

Why is kids dental treatment important?

Humans start teething when they are as young as 6 months old and develop their set of primary ‘milk’ teeth.
At the age of 6-7 years, humans start losing their milk teeth and the permanent set of teeth start emerging. Because the milk teeth will eventually fall off, some parents tend to ignore taking their child to a dentist.
However, these milk teeth form the basis of developing permanent teeth. If proper care is not taken the problems can emerge which will last a lifetime. In recent years the cases of caries in children have grown manifold.

Therefore, it is always advised to start taking care of your baby’s teeth in the very early stages of their life. This includes setting Oral Hygiene routine and regular visits to the dentist.

Root Canal Treatment In Milk Teeth
If you think your child is too young to need root canal treatment, think again — there is no age limit for this treatment. If his/her primary (baby) teeth have been injured, or if decay has advanced deep into the roots of your child’s teeth, a root canal treatment to stabilize teeth may be needed.
Root canal treatment removes the infection from the pulp, the living tissue that is found inside the tooth’s roots. The pulp contains the tooth’s nerves, so tooth pain is often an indication that decay has moved into the pulp.
Root canal treatment is a simple procedure wherein instruments are used to clean the root canals of teeth followed by inserting a medication so as to maintain the teeth properly in the oral cavity.


Fluoride Application
A common problem for which parents usually take their children to the dentist is decay. This is because there is a lack of proper dexterity of brushing in children. To avoid the problem of decay, parents should get the Fluoride application treatment in children at regular intervals. Fluoride helps to fight plaque and bacteria which can cause enamel loss which further causes cavities. Fluoride also strengthens the tooth structure & helps in bone growth. Under this treatment, the dentist incorporates fluoride ions into the tooth structure making them more prone to acid dissolution. This treatment is equally useful for both milk & permanent teeth.
The main reason for decay is the food and bacteria that is trapped in the pits & fissures of teeth. We chew food from the back teeth like molars and premolars which are never flat. The pits & fissures as discussed above are the depressions on these back teeth. They function as potential traps for bacteria & food and make it susceptible to decay. Therefore, as a preventive measure, certain pits and fissure sealants are placed.. Sealants are placed on the chewing surface of the permanent tooth. They protect the tooth from decay. Because of fissures the permanent back teeth, molars, and premolars are vulnerable to decay.
Toothpaste And Toothbrush
Apart from the aforementioned treatment options, make sure that your kids brush twice daily. Brushing before sleeping is extremely important because the food you eat during the day get stuck between your teeth and bacteria in your mouth will feed on that food overnight causing decay. If possible teach your child how to floss as it is the added protection for your teeth

How Do I Prepare My Child for His Dental Visit
Play “dentist”. Count your child’s teeth as you shine a light on them. Then switch roles and let your child play dentist.
Read to your child a book about going to the dentist for the first time. Before the appointment, tell the dentist about your child, including any special needs or medical problems like allergies or heart conditions.
Make the appointment on a day and time when the child is not tired. Be low-key. Treat the visit as routine. Answer questions the child poses honestly but not too specifically.
Let the dentist decide whether you should stay in the room with your child. Some children respond better without their parents present.
Avoid using bribery and threats in an attempt to encourage good behavior. Especially refrain from threatening the child with a dental visit when he refuses to brush his teeth or misbehaves.
Try not to be anxious about the visit. Don’t communicate your own fears to the child. Avoid saying negative words like pain, jab, pull, or drill.
Don’t expect perfect behavior. Your child may be shy or fearful and misbehave. If your child throws a tantrum, be firm. With a child over 3 years old, the dentist may want to handle the situation without your presence in the surgery.
Don’t make the dentist the villain. Dental care is something you want for your child.

We at Sood Dental Care and Implant Centre are committed to providing you with comprehensive dental solutions for all your dental problems. Schedule your appointment today and take the first step towards a healthier, brighter smile! To make an appointment Call us on +91 9914 066 700