Missing Teeth Replacement

Dental Bridge

If you have one or more missing teeth, your dental professional may recommend that you get artificial replacements. There are removable options like dentures that you can take out and clean, but those can slide around, shift, or fall out – which understandably won’t fly for many people. And that’s why there are dental implants and bridges which function more like your actual teeth. 

What is a dental bridge?

A dental bridge is a tooth replacement solution for an individual who has a single missing or multiple missing teeth. In this, a bridge of teeth is placed by taking the support of teeth adjacent to the missing teeth. These adjacent teeth acts as ‘Pillars’ by which the bridge is supported or fixed.

How many teeth can be on a bridge?

The minimum number of teeth required in a bridge is two i.e. two tooth for support on either side of the gap & one false tooth. But it mostly depends on the number of missing teeth of the patients and its adjacent teeth.

Can the dental bridge be taken out during the day or at night?

No, a dental bridge cannot be taken out as it is a fixed dental prosthetics which means once fixed by the dentist, it remains bonded with the teeth. Dentist use various bonding material/ dental cements to fix the teeth. But in some cases when it becomes very necessary, only the dentist can take it out by using various cutting instruments.

Is the process of fixing the dental bridge painful?

The process of fixing a dental bridge is painless. However, patient might feel some sensitivity during the preparation of adjacent teeth for impressions. But it is mostly done under the effect of local anesthesia. There is minimal or no need of medication afterwards.

Can a bridge be placed in any type of missing teeth?

As the name suggest it’s a bridge so it will require minimum of one missing tooth and two teeth to act as an anchorage to support the false tooth that is made in the place of  missing tooth, but sometimes when there is only one adjacent tooth a type of bridge known as cantilever bridge can be placed. But it is not used commonly done and not recommended in the back of the mouth as too much pressure can damage the supporting tooth.

How long is my bridge supposed to last?

It usually last from 5-15 years but with only a good oral hygiene, regular cleaning and check-up of the bridge.

How will I know if my dental bridge is loose or it can fall out?

There will be a few signs that will let you know that your bridge might be getting loose. There might be some movement when it is touched by fingers or tongue. There will be sensitivity in the region where bridge is placed. There might be some biting issues while chewing the food. You can also a feeling of bad taste in your mouth sometimes.
Once the bridge becomes loose as the holding teeth or bone is damaged by any dental problem it may sometime fall out.

Is it possible for teeth to get infected and cause pain under a bridge?

Yes, the teeth can get infected and cause pain under the bridge if it not fitted properly. The short margins or space between the abutments may let bacteria and acid destroy the healthy teeth and lead to pulp decay. Due to this the bridge might also not last long.

We at Sood Dental Care and Implant Centre are committed to providing you with comprehensive dental solutions for all your dental problems. Schedule your appointment today and take the first step towards a healthier, brighter smile! To make an appointment Call us on +91 9914 066 700