Sood Dental Care & Implant Centre

12 Dental Myths and Misconceptions Debunked

Step into the realm of dental myths and facts, where we’ll demystify common misconceptions and unveil the truths that lie behind dental care. From beliefs that passed down from one generation to other to modern day misunderstandings, we’ll examine the myths that have circulated about oral health and dental practices and separate fact from fiction. We’ll empower you with accurate information so that you make correct decisions about your dental well-being. Get ready to smile brighter as we unravel the truths and dispel the myths in the world of dentistry!

Myth 1:Brushing Harder Or More Often Cleans Better.

It's not about the force but the technique. Gentle brushing twice a day for two minutes each time with a soft-bristled brush is more effective than aggressive brushing. Brushing harder is counterproductive. The harder you brush, the more trauma the tooth enamel and gum tissue endure. It can eventually lead to other problems like gum recession.

Myth 2: Dental treatments are always painful.

With modern technology and anaesthesia, dental treatments are generally comfortable. Dentists prioritize patient comfort, and they can discuss pain management options to ensure a positive experience.

Myth 3: Bleeding Gums Are Normal

Bleeding gums during brushing or flossing is due to inflammation of the gums. Gums can become inflamed and begin to bleed due to excessive plaque build-up, the onset of gum disease or other causes. It’s not normal. You’ll need to contact your dentist for a dental check-up.

Myth 4: Sugar Causes Cavities

While sugar does contribute to the formation of cavities, tooth decay can be caused by any carbohydrate intake and not just sugar. Also, it’s not the sugar itself that causes the problem. Rather, it’s the bacteria that eat sugar. Cavities occur when bacteria produce acid in the mouth. Avoiding sticky, refined and deep-fried food is important when aiming to stop the development of cavities. Opting to eat teeth-friendly food such as nuts and vegetables is a safer option. Rinse and brush after meals to reduce acid and plaque build-up.

Myth 5: You don't need to floss if you brush regularly.

Flossing is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene. It removes plaque and food particles from places your toothbrush can't reach, preventing gum disease and cavities. . Flossing removes up to 80% of plaque. Plaque deposits promote tooth decay, but you can remove them with daily flossing regimen. If you have questions about flossing technique, what type of floss to use, or how often you should floss, please call us at =+91-991-406-66700  or book an appointment   to learn more.

Myth 6: Scaling the teeth weakens them.

Cleaning and scaling the teeth removes deposits from the teeth and gums, it keeps them clean and healthy. The removal of tartar prevents the loss of bone around the teeth. This prevents the problem of bad breath and gum bleeding. Dental scaling is a safe and non-invasive procedure that should not cause teeth to become loose. In fact, regular dental scaling can help prevent tooth loss and other oral health problems.

Myth 7: Kids Don’t Need to Brush Baby Teeth

Poor oral health early on can lead to lifelong complications. Kids should start brushing twice a day as soon as they have teeth. Tooth decay in children can lead to health concerns long after their baby teeth are gone.

Myth 8: Only children need braces.

Orthodontic treatment is not limited to children. In fact, adults can benefit from braces or clear aligners to correct malaligned teeth, bite issues, and improve overall dental health. Remember, it's always a good idea to consult a dentist for personalized advice regarding your dental health.

Myth 9: You can't get cavities if you have no tooth pain.

Cavities can develop without causing immediate pain or discomfort. Regular dental check-ups are crucial to detect and treat early signs of tooth decay before it becomes a painful problem.

Myth10: Dental treatments are too expensive.

While some dental treatments can be costly, preventive care and routine check-ups are more affordable in the long run. Neglecting oral health can lead to more extensive and expensive treatments down the line. Many dental offices also offer payment plans to make treatment more accessible.

Myth 11: Gum Disease Is Only a Concern for Your Mouth

The bacteria present in gum disease can spread to other parts of your body, and there are more and more studies that have connected gum disease to whole-body health concerns. Gum disease may be linked to heart disease, diabetes, and  some forms of cancer.

Myth 12: You don't need to see a dentist if your teeth look fine.

Even if your teeth appear healthy, there may be underlying oral health issues that only a dentist can identify. Regular dental visits allow for early detection of problems like gum disease or oral cancer, which may not show visible symptoms initially. A dental check-up is the best way to spot trouble before it starts. The longer problems go undetected or untreated, the harder they are to treat when you do start to notice them. Check-up every 6 months to 1 year for adults and kids are the best way to maintain optimal oral health so even if you don’t notice anything, it’s best to still schedule routine dental check-ups.

We at Sood Dental Care and Implant Centre are committed to providing you with comprehensive dental solutions for all your dental problems. Schedule your appointment today and take the first step towards a healthier, brighter smile! To make an appointment Call us on +91 9914 066 700